The General Conversation Area

This morning I noticed a young gentleman walking through Charing Cross with a Vicks vapour inhaler loged into his left nostril. Throughout the afternoon I endured an irrational craving for Eggs Benedict. I am yet to ascertain how these two facts are related.
Ath said:
Trying to find employment after university is tough. Went for an interview for an internship on Friday, but I just found out that I was unsuccessful. Got for a phonecall talking about another internship today that could be interesting though, so it feels like I'm making a bit more progress now.

I know the feeling. I got my first rejection of my last batch today. Virgin money took about 2 weeks to get back to me and apologise for not taking my application further. At least i got a reply, more than i can say for other stuff. Now i just need to go apply for more jobs again. Fun.
Back from the internship interview. Got a proper interrogation, it was really quite harsh at times. Despite that, I've somehow managed to get called back for a second interview on the 21st.
Started a work programme this week. Missed a call from someone asking if I wanted a job on Tuesday while on my first day there. My mum took the number so I could call back but she wrote the number down wrong (too many numbers) so there goes that then :roll: .
Not called back yet Rui so I doubt that anything will happen with that now. Hopefully something else will come up. I am currently waiting to hear from an agency who called the next day to see if I have an interview for a temp/part time job (it is cover for someone who is one sick leave so as they get better the hours will reduce).
So far it seems people have listened to my out of office saying don't ring my mobile, apart from one unknown number this morning (or afternoon as it would have been in the UK).

If you want a job, learn French and move to Quebec city ;)
I should really post often on here. I keep thinking it has been last week since I posted on here, yet I realised it has been a number of years.

So much stuff has happened. ;-;
Just got back from my JVA society in which we spent a total of 5 hours and 9 minutes playing Super Dungeon Explore. We did make some bear puns since it was bearable for one of us receiving no luck against the dice and the enemies. I did pretty good so I was about 2nd best in the game (the 1st went to the person who teleported around and managed to get the least damage).
So I'm currently in Edinburgh. Really cool city, loads of awesome sights. Looking forward to seeing Edinburgh Castle as well as Garden of Words at the Filmhouse tomorrow.
I have returned home for the weekend to see how my parents are doing (my dad is bored and my mum is taking too much pressure from teaching as my secondary school/college is getting worse in terms of education aka. Ofsted is not pleased). I told them that I decided to get a PS3 instead of the PS4 (due to pricing and numerous delays of titles) and they said I could get one while I'm home. Win win I guess.

So I'll be getting a 500GB PS3 (with PS+) and so far I have a few games planned to collect at some point: Asura's Wrath, God of War (every title out there), Heavy Rain, House of the Dead Overkill HD, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Kingdom Hearts: 1.5 HD ReMIX, Metal Gear Solid 4, Ni no Kumi, No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise, Saints Row IV, Sleeping Dogs, Tales of Graces f, Tales of Xilia, The Last of Us and Yakuza (any sequel). If anyone has recommendations (I don't mind the genre though excluding sports unless it's SSX), you can ask.
Currently recovering from some heavy drinking for my last night in Edinburgh. The city is amazing and I've had a lovely time these past few days. Was great to catch up with Arbalest & Reevo and to meet Maxon as well.
Why are airplane seats so damn uncomfy?

I had a mild shock coming in, the plane must have hit something like an air pocket as it dropped a couple feet suddenly.
I'm so pissed of at the moment.

I was unable to receive one of my items from UP1 as it went OOS, but I found one on ebay and as usual requires PayPal.

I had forgotten my PayPal password but my card details have expired because of Lloyd and TSB breaking up. I also forgotten my security details (facepalm). I decided to start a new account but unfortunately it doesn't seem to recognise my age (it's 18+ and I'm 18, but it says I'm not...), I reduced it by a year and updated my card details but I can't update my bank because it's being used on my first account. I asked PayPal for help but I just used my new account and not the first (extreme facepalm). Now I'm annoyed.
I had a nice welcoming surprise when I got back to work today from holiday (apart from the 150 odd emails), seems I need to find a new job as my current role is disappearing next month.

Will probably stay in the same company, just to save the hassle with trying to juggle my OU work with a new workplace, just need to look at the potential new jobs they have got lined up to see which is the best fit then hopefully apply for it.

And it's put a real downer as I was hoping to do a good OU session this evening to play catchup with the work missed when abroad.