Muslims offended by picture of dog on police adverts

Damn, I thought this might turn into a decent discussion not some hanging basket about Robin Hood and King Richard...

I know that not all Muslims are so extreme that they will want a photo of a dog banned. Some just accept that we live in a multi cultural society and make allowances. It just frustrates me that as soon as a group says that they're offended by something because of religion then the police get on their knees and apologise. I'm annoyed with the police.

Things like the case where the the girl was suspended from school for wearing a bracelet that had religious significance I'm on her side for that. I don't see any reason why she shouldn't be allowed to wear a bracelet, it doesn't effect anyone around her in any way. The same goes for the photo of the puppy though, it's not a real puppy so they won't be able to touch it and not have to go through the cleansing ritual.

Tachi- said:
I was referring to they are of a different race, and there's bound to be a "its racist" comment made from some deluded person in the world :roll:
Well yeah, you decided that you were 'beginning to get seriously pissed off with their whole race'. You may not be racist but it's a bloody stupid comment to make. I won't bring it up again.
I don't see why these extreamists can moan about dogs and get away with it, and usually win

yet if a School teacher asking one to remove their veil from class, they are said to be racist and suspended/lose their job because of it.

Alright then, if you want to play it this way, i find what Muslims say about Dogs being "unclean" an offence to Buddists who find all living creatures as equals
And I find the orthodox Jewish belief that menstruating women are ritually unclean offensive to women ;p

On the bracelet thing actually I was on the side of the school to some extent as uniform codes are uniform codes and letting one person unfairly wear a Christian (IIRC) bracelet immediately opens the floodgates for everyone wanting to wear a God/Brahma/Buddha/Leprechaun/Flying Spaghetti Monster bracelet too. Especially as the bracelet (or whatever it was) isn't even a Christian symbol, just some gimmick from a some local group she was part of with links to the religion. No reason she couldn't just have carried it in her bag or pocket with her and touched it from time to time if she needed to.

The dog thing probably stems from ancient times and rabid stray dogs being seen as disgusting or something but it's a cute puppy on an advert - it's not rationally a threat in any way and police are associated with working dogs in countries all over the world and through modern times. The hardline religious groups would do well to apply some common sense to causes they decide to champion or nobody will listen to them if a day comes when they bring up something that actually matters.

People have got to start saying "NO" we look like pussies backing down, hardline muslim say jump we say how high. This is why the BNP is going up(well i say going up but but their the last people you want having a say).
Rui said:
On the bracelet thing actually I was on the side of the school to some extent as uniform codes are uniform codes and letting one person unfairly wear a Christian (IIRC) bracelet immediately opens the floodgates for everyone wanting to wear a God/Brahma/Buddha/Leprechaun/Flying Spaghetti Monster bracelet too. Especially as the bracelet (or whatever it was) isn't even a Christian symbol, just some gimmick from a some local group she was part of with links to the religion. No reason she couldn't just have carried it in her bag or pocket with her and touched it from time to time if she needed to.

Which then goes back to the Head veil issue

hat's in school are also against the dress code, so why are Veils allowed but not christian crosses?
flying spaghetti monster....hmm sounds like a good religion to me.

oh it is an official religion to be a 'jedi', thankyou starwars nerds for that choice :roll:

and yeah maybe the getting pissed off with the whole race was alittle OTT, i meant it in a general way,

i agree with everything you just said Rui and Gacha
I just found the article again and it wasn't a bracelet it was a crucifix necklace and the girl was of Catholic faith. Here.

Still I guess you're right in many ways. It opens too many doors and too many leeway's for people to bend the rules using religion as a tool to get what they want. When the school or whatever finally says 'no' then they can just say 'well she was allowed to' and it creates a realm of other problems. She even pulled that card herself.

"Other religions are allowed to show their beliefs by wearing bracelets or turbans, so why can I not wear a cross to show my devotion to God?"
As far as the schools go it comes down to upkeeping the overprotective Health and Safety codes but that's a different story...
I think there have been a few of them, there was some kind of bracelet one and there was a "purity ring" too with a rather young girl who was [unhealthily] obsessed with letting the universe know how virginal she was or something and asserted it was a Christian thing. A few might have been overseas, though.

If it's a simple cross and chain and others are allowed to wear headscarves/trousers/skullcaps etc then she had a point. Or there could easily be some other way to display a cross without it being on a necklace and falling under a safety liability.

a story to do with the whole pendant thing,

i went to lanzarote and their island had this thing about a little devil, so my grandma bought me one of the necklaces with a mini devil on it as a souvenir. When i went back to high school a teacher told me i had to take it off as it wasn't part of the dress code, i just laughed and said "im a satanist, so sue me" that stopped her in her tracks :lol:

religion is spiralling out of control and in all honesty its all taken completely out of context now-a-days, so i don't bother with it.
I think it's absolutely outrageous that the UK makes these allowances for over-sensitive Muslims. People, and governments, need to start standing up to the vocal, fundamentalist minorities in all religions, but especially Islam. 100 people died as a result of the violence because a Danish magazine was brave enough to exercise it's freedom of expression. 100 people. Theo Van Gogh was murdered in the Netherlands for making a movie that legitimately dealt with Islam's oppression of women. Salman Rishdie's life has been ruined by a fatwa because he dared to exercise freedom of expression too. And everyday, it seems, extremist Muslims are infringing on Western culture, this postcard debacle is but one recent example. I'm sick of it, and it's time people stood up these bullies.
CitizenGeek said:
I think it's absolutely outrageous that the UK makes these allowances for over-sensitive Muslims. People, and governments, need to start standing up to the vocal, fundamentalist minorities in all religions, but especially Islam. 100 people died as a result of the violence because a Danish magazine was brave enough to exercise it's freedom of expression. 100 people. Theo Van Gogh was murdered in the Netherlands for making a movie that legitimately dealt with Islam's oppression of women. Salman Rishdie's life has been ruined by a fatwa because he dared to exercise freedom of expression too. And everyday, it seems, extremist Muslims are infringing on Western culture, this postcard debacle is but one recent example. I'm sick of it, and it's time people stood up these bullies.

not that it would do anything

how many people are standing up to the price of fuel today

and all that's happened is the price at the pump has gone up again
while reading CG's post. i just remembered..they have honour killings and tried to get it passed as a british law that they are allowed to carry out honour killings. its disgraceful and sick. all that would happen is; they would kill someone and claim it "was in the name of my families honour"
there's no other word to describe their extremist bastards, that word is...pathetic
A reaction to the outrageous behavior of fundamentalist Muslims could be very dangerous, though. It could result in widespread xenophobia and discrimination against Muslims, which would be a terrible thing. This is certainly a tricky issue.

Ryo Chan said:
not that it would do anything

how many people are standing up to the price of fuel today

and all that's happened is the price at the pump has gone up again

The price of fuel has nothing to do with society, though. It's controlled by a complicated series of economic happenings; protesting it isn't going to make China or India lower their demand for it, or Saudi Arabia increase it's supply :s
Is this actually 'Muslims are offended' or merely 'political correctness do-gooders assume that muslims will be offended'? There's a difference there, which is often ignored by the furore that stories like this create.

Assuming this isn't a hoax, all I can say to the people in question is: shut the hell up. Relations between ethnic groups in this country are strained as it is without stupid complaints souring them further. How are we all supposed to get along when idiots like that are throwing their weight around?
CitizenGeek said:
A reaction to the outrageous behavior of fundamentalist Muslims could be very dangerous, though. It could result in widespread xenophobia and discrimination against Muslims, which would be a terrible thing. This is certainly a tricky issue.

Ryo Chan said:
not that it would do anything

how many people are standing up to the price of fuel today

and all that's happened is the price at the pump has gone up again

The price of fuel has nothing to do with society, though. It's controlled by a complicated series of economic happenings; protesting it isn't going to make China or India lower their demand for it, or Saudi Arabia increase it's supply :s

how does that explain the CEO's with their massive paychecks still then?

anyway we'll leave this for another discussion :D.

Back on topic, surely the more they complain, the more people will begin to hate Muslims as a whole, not just these extreamists.

Imagine if British people reacted to Code Geass's ideas of Britannia as they did to the dutch comic.

I mean look at shows like Family Guy or the Simpsons, or most comedy shows, yes they take the micky out of Muslims in them, but they take the micky out of Americans, British, Germans........every race on the planet. How can 1 group of people suddenly claim it's discrimtive to them yet not moan about how it's offencive to other religions as well
I find offensive the fact that our authorities not only listen but kowtow to people on the basis of something they just happen to believe (whether they be christian, muslim, jew, scientologist, etc. - they're all equally ridiculous) which has no basis in reality whatsoever.

If you say you believe in aliens you're a freak, but if you say you believe in a god everyone has to respect that belief. In a fair society either everyone or no-one's faith should be respected, and as everyone should be subject to the same criticism as everone else, I'd rather no-one's faith was respected.

Rant over.

Edit: Hey this post made me a Gunbuster. How appropriate. INAZUMA KIIICK!
ayase said:
I find offensive the fact that our authorities not only listen but kowtow to people on the basis of something they just happen to believe (whether they be christian, muslim, jew, scientologist, etc. - they're all equally ridiculous) which has no basis in reality whatsoever.

If you say you believe in aliens you're a freak, but if you say you believe in a god everyone has to respect that belief. In a fair society either everyone or no-one's faith should be respected, and as everyone should be subject to the same criticism as everone else, I'd rather no-one's faith was respected.

Rant over.
I'm going to make my own take on this into a full article of some sort but you pretty much summed up my thoughts right there. There have always been cranks and ignorant people with no sense of perspective; the problem is, these days our society is foolish enough to listen to them. Common sense dictates that placating a minority while threatening to rile up everyone else is stupid...these people live in a country where dogs are kept as pets so they ought to be more tolerant. Making out a mere picture of a dog is offensive should not be taken seriously at all!
If it isn't mocking them, they need to grow the hell up.
melonpan said:
And again Islam gets in the way of real life goings-on (I couldn't think of a better way to put it).
McIcy said:
Its like the Crusades all over again lol
Yeah, nothing like comparing mass genocide hundreds of years ago to political correctness.

No, sorry. We can't say "Political Correctness" anymore. Now it's "Cultural Sensitivity".
Maxon said:
If it isn't mocking them, they need to grow the hell up.
melonpan said:
And again Islam gets in the way of real life goings-on (I couldn't think of a better way to put it).
McIcy said:
Its like the Crusades all over again lol
Yeah, nothing like comparing mass genocide hundreds of years ago to political correctness.

No, sorry. We can't say "Political Correctness" anymore. Now it's "Cultural Sensitivity".

Yeah "Political Correctness" probably offends them too ¬_¬
plus PC is incorrect in its own right :lol:

the government is pathetic, if you take me to 10 downing st. stand me before gordon brown, and i'll tell it to his face what a screw up the british government is.

conservatives seem to get some idea's spot on but generally dont have to will power to carry it out ¬_¬

lib dem's.....need i say anything?

vote green party because they are hippies :lol: atleast they'd promote equality (something this country seriously lacks)

we have "discrimination" and "possitive discrimination" against us so in reality if your a white, working class british citizen by birth....your screwed.
Tachi- said:
the government is pathetic, if you take me to 10 downing st. stand me before gordon brown, and i'll tell it to his face what a screw up the british government is.

There's nothing stopping you doing that Tachi, we do live in an (albeit flawed) democracy. You could certainly write him a letter which he would read.

I honestly don't think it would make the slightest bit of difference if the Tories got in next time. Labour only got in because they became more like the Tories, and next time the Tories will probably get in because they became more like Labour. We are fast heading towards an American two-party system where the only differences in policy are there to lure people with strong views on either side to vote for you (guns, religion, abortion, gay rights etc.).